Sarah’s Passion

As a Life Purpose Coach, Sarah is called to comfort wounded women and encourage them to walk in victory with Jesus day-by-day. God has given her a caring, compassionate heart, and sensitivity to the challenges women face. She loves to be in the right place at the right time to encourage and give hope to women in all walks of life. Whatever caused your pain, she will help you discover how God can comfort and heal you to minister to others and glorify Him.

Sarah’s desire is to guide, equip, nurture, and shepherd women by using her spiritual gifts of knowledge, wisdom, and mercy. She shares biblical insights, how they apply to real life, reveals the lies that keep us trapped, and seeks the truth that sets us free. She is passionate about the marriage covenant, restoring relationships, and rebuilding lives. If you want your life to count, her goal is to lead you to discover God’s unique design and purpose for you.

By pointing women to Jesus as the only one who can satisfy that longing inside our hearts, she endeavors to coach women to fully depend on God, experience His peace, live the abundant life here and now, and enjoy His presence forever.